
Term Search

The Terminology Search pane is displayed automatically. Terms are suggested automatically when a Glossary is linked to the TM you use for translating.

You can also display the term search pane by selecting Term Search in the main menu Translation section or by pressing [Alt+Down].

The terminology search pane is docked in the right-side panel. Term suggestions are displayed when you open a segment containing glossary terms.

The terminology search results also display Source Term attributes in addition to Global and Target term attributes. You can easily identify the Source Term attributes by the green colored bullets whereas Target Term Attributes are in amber bullets.

You can use existing hotkeys to launch Terminology search

Sorting and Grouping the Results

You can sort the terms by their Rank, or group them by Glossary / TM or by Source.

CTE remembers Terminology Search sort or group setting for the duration of the user’s browser session.

Sort by Rank:

Group = rank (relevance ratio) in descending order.

(from highest premium to highest penalty).

Group by Glossary/TM:

Group = TM/Glossary name sorted by premium and penalty (from highest premium to highest penalty). Terms with same penalty are sorted alphabetically.

Group by Source:

Group = source text sorted alphabetically.

Partial matches

By checking the Return Partial Matches option under the Terminology Search pane search field you can also get matches which are partial.