
Filtering Segments

The filters in the Filter menu can be used for filtering the segments in a Collection by their Status value.

The Filter setting helps to locate relevant segments by skipping any segment that doesn't comply to the selected Filter. When a Filter is applied, the next/previous segment function jumps to segments matching the filter.

Filter Menu

Open the Filter menu to display the filters list and select the filter to be used. The default Filter setting is None.

Select a filter from the list to display only those segments with the Status value of the filter.

Filtering and Highlighting

Clicking on the Filter Menu button changes how filter results are displayed.

Unfiltered Collection

Filtered Segments Hidden

Filter Results Highlighted


If you don't select any filter in the Filter menu, all segments in the collection are displayed.

The default filtering setting, Filtered Segments Hidden (a minus character displayed in the icon), hides any segments that do not match the chosen filter. Clicking on the Filter icon toggles it to Filter Results Highlighted (a plus character displayed in the icon), highlighting the matching segments in the collection view without hiding the other segments.

Filter Values

Filters are usually based on the state value of a segment, but can also have other criteria, such as the qualifier value (matching level) or other metadata stored in the XLIFF file.

The following segment navigation filters are included available:

Check the following Segment Filter Details section for the complete criteria assigned to each filter.

Segment Filter Details

The built-in segment navigation filters are as follows:

None — Any segment in the Collection is selected/displayed in your Collection view. This is the default setting.

Translatable — Any segment with a True value for the translate attribute and must be the first segment of a merged (expanded) segment or not merged.

Translated — Any segment with a target field for which the state value is not New.

Untranslated — Any segment with a True value for the translate attribute, but without a target field. The approve value needs to be FALSE and the segment must be the first segment of a merged (expanded) segment or not merged. The segment also has to match the following criteria: "no target set" OR "no state set" OR state is "new" OR state is "needs-translation".

Exact Match — Any segment with a True value for the translate attribute, and a Qualifier value that is exact-match.

Non Exact match — Any segment with a True value for the translate attribute, and a Qualifier value that is notid-match or exact-match. The segment has to be the first segment of a merged (expanded) segment or not merged.

Fuzzy Match — Any segment with a True value for the translate attribute and a Qualifier value that is not exact-match.

Machine-Translation — When storing segments coming from a source with Creation User MT!, the segments state qualifier is set to leveraged-mt. This allows you to later filter such segments by using the built-in Machine-Translation filter.

Approved — Any segment with a True value for the approve attribute.

Rejected — Any segment that has been rejected.

Not Marked Reviewed — Any segment which is neither Approved nor Rejected in the collection.

Has Comment — Any segment that has a Comment assigned to it.